Part 74: Update LXXI - Featuring: Tonal whiplash
Update LXXI - Featuring: Tonal whiplashMusic: Destructive Curse

We return to our regularly scheduled glimpse into the ISDF.

I don't like what I'm glimpsing.

Assistant: DInstall of the TYPE-HAZ and TYPE-HPN specimens is nearly complete! Only 14% remaining!

Assistant: U-Understood!

Assistant: Th-This is too dangerous, Professor Nagumo! The synchronous discharge is not stopping!

Assistant: 92%... 95%.. 98%...! Th-This is incredible...!

Assistant: 99%...!

Assistant: The D-Install is complete!

Yuma, buddy? You're looking a little funny.

Oh christ.

And as we've been expecting from the moment we learned about D-Install-

The ISDF constantly hitting

Assistant: Ahhhh!

An alarm siren starts blaring.

The funny thing is, despite Akutsu being the entire reason for Yuma's inferiority complex and his sudden turn to evil, the main cast just... never interacts with him. At all.
Hell, I don't even think Unit 13 knew he existed outside of maybe his name getting mentioned once or twice.

ISDF Soldier: You monster...!

Music: Stops

Talkative Young Man: I've been waiting to go on this date for ages... I won't give up just cause of a cold! *cough*

Doctor Hori: *cough* *cough* Wh-What...? Me too...? *cough* *cough*
After the fun times of the past two days, things have... taken a turn for the worse.

Music: Destructive Curse

Which means that on top of driving Yuma insane and turning him evil, Akutsu also put all of mankind on an extremely tight timeline before we all die of Dragon Sickness.
Good going, jackass.

...Nagamimi can teleport?

Oh hey, it's our old friend, the mysterious masked man! Who's been... hanging around... various True Dragons...

...I think we've been played.

Destructive Curse permanently overrides the normal music.

And as you might imagine, this is the one time where everyone's lines have actually changed.
I'm sure Allie can hold off on her inevitable betrayal while we go see how bad everyone is doing.

Vacant Woman: There are just too many fun memories here... I can't stay away... *cough* *cough*

Jealous Man: *cough* Keep going! You'd better not die before I do!

Talkative Young Man: I can't die before I see the last ep of Ultimate Killer: Grenerik! *cough* *cough*

Envious Woman: Do you think they'd maybe choose me now...? It's my last request...
Bartender: *cough* *cough* How rude of me. A bartender must never cough in front of a customer... This Dragon Sickness is quite troublesome... I cannot believe it is taking my job from me...
Skilled Man: It looks like I can't even beat the Dragon Sickness... The world is a really cruel place, huh...? Ha, haha... *cough*

Wandering Lucier: It makes me sad just sitting looking at the title screen...

Lonely Girl: I'm sorry for coming here all by myself... Please come pick me up, big brother...

Job Seeker: WWait... They're probably not even conducting interviews at a time like this... *cough*

Hardworking Man: *cough* *cough* *cough* H-Hey, help me out here! I'm begging you!
What the hell, writers! Yesterday we were doing photo ops and sleeping with our coworkers, you can't just jump to killing everyone with no form of build-up!
Aaron: Urgh. It's even louder in here now that people are coughing all over the place... *cough* *cough* Even me...

Iori: It would be terrible if I couldn't drink coffee anymore. I hope someone finds a cure soon. *cough*

Crybaby Girl: *cough* *cough*

Rick: *cough* Th-The Portal... is operating... as normal... I will protect... the Portal... with my life...!

Adventurous Woman: You won't get another chance to catch such a rare disease, you know! *cough* *cough* *cough*

Rude Scientist: This is no joke. Like, for real! *cough* *cough* Wait... Am I gonna die!?

The R&D Floor.
Former Captain: I told myself I wouldn't lose to Dragon Sickness, but that determination was not enough...
Focused Boy: *cough* *cough* I wanna see my parents one more time before I die...

Director Yoshida: Sorry... I can't think straight... right now... Too... EX-hausted...
The real reason the game wanted you to be certain you were ready to move on yesterday? All optional content is now locked out. If you didn't take care of it during the Intermission you're shit outta luck.

Ami: *cough* *cough* So this... is Dragon Sickness... All I want to do... is eat monster meat...

Marco: I'll never realize my dream of researching this country's culture...
Amanda: *cough* *cough* Unit... 13... We all caught Dragon Sickness... We're not gonna be able to continue our research...

Vacant Student: I don't want... the people who saved me... to catch Dragon Sickness... *cough* *cough*
Lucas: *cough* *cough* No... To be taken by Dragon Sickness just as our research was coming to fruition... Unit 13... My battle ends here... I leave the rest... to you!
Intelligent Boy: *cough* *cough* It hurts... H-Help me, Unit 13... I... *cough* *cough*

The Development Floor.
Defeated Soldier: *cough* *cough* No... I can't lose... Not again... Even if it's against something as strong as Dragon Sickness... Never... *cough* *cough*

Mature-Looking Boy: I haven't even found my Lucier love yet...! *cough* *cough*

Ray: I'll never be able to make my bone-chilling horror... *cough*

Adachi: I'm not the only one... Everyone in the office has been inflicted with Dragon Sickness...

Lionel: I've tried really hard to match the other people here... but I've had it. My hands won't move...

On the Conference Floor, Chika and Rika are MIA.

System Message: While we're gone, this supercomputer will handle all shop duties! Work hard, Unit 13! With love, Chika and Rika.

On the plus side, we can finally shop without the ever-present scream of ARIGATOU GOZAIMAAAAAAAAAAAAASU.
On the down side, both quests and construction are unavailable.

Even if you had in-progress quests, the entire menu is locked out.

Dates are also off-limits. Wanted to split up all those date scenes into more managable chunks? Haha get fucked you lost out on all that gear.
Mark: There haven't been many customers lately...

Maki: I'd like to take some time off to recover, but everyone's sick... I can't complain... *cough*

Retired Blacksmith: You better stay healthy, you whippersnapper! Got it? *cough*

Kuroki: I have so many regrets about my life... I wish I had learned to play the piano for real...
Tatsuya: *pant* *pant* H-Hello, Unit 13... I-It looks like I won't... be able to complete that project... *cough* *cough*

Medical Floor.
Future Pop Star: I wanna recover from this Dragon Sickness and get back on stage, but my body won't listen...

Meow-nager Ai: The cats have been feeling sick, and seeing that made me sick, too... *cough* *cough*
Forgot to top off everyone's EX yesterday with some Fancy Cat Food? Again, get fucked.

Jane: I'm going to have to abandon my dream of opening a bug cafe cause of this Dragon Sickness... *cough*

Sick Boy: A-Am I... gonna die...? No... I don't wanna...!
Well-Bred Boy: *cough* *cough* I'm glad you're not affected... but I'm a little jealous, too.

Atlantis Ward.
Novice Smith Cub: S-Something's not right here... They said it was just a cold, but colds don't hurt this much...
Shy Girl: *cough* *cough* Are the cats... alright...? I don't... have time to worry about myself... The cats... are my family... *cough* *cough*

Tohma: Is Lady Ulania safe...? *cough* *cough* *cough*

Calm Court Lady: This is truly unforgivable... *cough*

Milra's Grandmother: *cough* Just... do what you can to save Milra... *cough* Please... *cough*

Chief Toglau: Please, save the children instead... *cough* *cough*
Talkative Scholar: *cough* Ah... It's you... *cough* *cough* You have... my thanks... for everything... *cough* *cough*

Lookout Girl: You saved us, but now this... Why... Why is this happening...?

Eden Ward.

Wounded Huntsman: I see... *cough* *cough* Most of the people on this floor have already collapsed...

Carefree Man: Man oh man... I'm beat.
Disoriented Girl: *cough* *cough* I need to get some sleep, but I can't find my room... Urgh...

Goht: *cough* *cough* My obsession with cooking 'as caused so much trouble for my wife... I'm... sorry... Chiako... *cough* *cough*
Chiako: *cough* If both me and my husband die here, please bury us together.

Myrna: I'm really envious of you guys. You all look fine...

Tokyo Ward.
Cat Owner: *cough* *cough* Hey there. I'm jealous of you... I wish I wasn't sick. My cough is just not stopping, and my body is really heavy, too... What a pain.
Soldier-Like Man: *cough* *cough* I thought I was strong, but even I have Dragon Sickness now... *sigh* Dragons are frightening...
Cold-Hating Soldier: *cough* *cough* I'm getting chills... I need to find a place I can warm myself up...

Patient Woman: Is ISDF almost here...? I can't hold on much longer... *cough*

Shiro: Crap... Even though we have shelter, we still can't avoid the Dragon Sickness... You went through so much trouble to build it for us, too... *cough* *cough*

Curry-Obsessed Kid: It's good for the body, you know? I-I'm serious... *cough* *cough*

Soup Kitchen Worker: Huh...? Oh yeah, I'm a dude. I've always wanted to be a maid though, so I'm training to be a woman! *giggle* Wouldn't a maid be the ideal waitress?
Let this be a lesson that it's never too late to work towards your dreams.
Trapped Employee: *cough* *cough* Why won't she answer her phone...? Hey, if I die... can you take care of my wife and child for me...? I... *cough* *cough*
Yoshiko: *cough* *cough* At this rate, I think I'm gonna turn into a ghost myself...

Reference Room.

Now-Awake Woman: I think I'm done for... *sigh*

Minato: To be honest, I caught it. My symptoms are still mild, but it's making me really anxious...

Proud Old Man: It looks like even I can't beat Dragon Sickness... Gwahaha... *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*

Amano: C-Could it be that I've been inflicted with Dragon Sickness!? No... There's no way...
And finally, the Warehouse.

Retired Soldier: *cough* It's sad to see these young ones being snatched away from their promising futures... I'm sure I'll be soon to follow them... *cough*

Max: We've gotten a bunch of new stuff in the warehouse lately, so... *cough* *cough*

Inconspicuous Man: I thought I was just going to die here alone, without anyone noticing me... *cough*

Hardworking Maid: Servants must always exert themselves for their masters, even if they're sick... *cough*

Tamaki: I-I need to hurry... *cough*
And now that we know that Literally Everyone in Nodens is absolutely fucked-

-Let's go see what Allie has to say for herself.

But here's a fun little fact for you all:

All the True Dragons we've seen so far, aside from Haze, have had Lovecraft themed names.

Nyala is a shortened version of Nyarlathotep.

Iod shares a name with a Great Old One.

Fomalhaut is the star system that Cthugha hails from.

The Greek god Hypnos appeared in Lovecraft's short story of the same name.

And there's also an Elder God that appears in a few of his novellas.
One by the name of...

Next time: It gets worse.